What Healing Isn’t …

Please note, I’m not a psychic medium, though one would be great for anyone seeking clarity. I’m less focused on reading into your future, and more on your healing journey. My gift is the ability to channel outside realms / entities / higher beings for healing purposes, though I do very often get psychic messages and visions in my healing.

This is serious work, conducted six days a week, with a full calendar. My work is NOT entertainment, so please respect the time and energy required; if you are expecting a theatrical performance, I’m not the healer for you.

What I’m sharing throughout this site may seem outrageous to the mainstream, however, even the briefest glance into any religion / spiritual practice shows that healing was once very mainstream. We have simply sought answers elsewhere, rather than trusting our own intuition and guidance.

Be the minority that embraces the supernatural, rather than the majority that ridicules. If you have friends/family that aren’t into healing (just like mine), there is no need to share. Rather, seek out those on your wavelength, as they will respect your desire to heal.

During the initial few sessions, my aim is to uncover any blockages in your body and mind, and also see (and remove) any negative entities in your space and/or any past-life influences. This process takes time, as I will need to gauge how you are responding to the healing. You must remember that healing is a long-term process. I’m not a miracle worker, just a conduit, but I have been doing this long enough to know that anything is possible.

How to Prepare for Your First Session …

Just be open, that’s it! Most sessions are 60 minutes, sometimes I will go over if I’m being guided to continue, at no charge of course, the first session may go longer so we can discuss your issues in detail.

For all healing sessions, you will be required to find a comfortable place at home to lie down or be seated, somewhere you will not be disturbed. The more relaxed you are, the better. Also, please close any curtains if possible and keep your eyes closed.

Prior to the session, I will request photographs of your face/body to channel your energy field and spend some time beforehand taking notes and invoking any energies/spirit guides.

What Happens During a Session …

During the session, and you will be receiving the healing via an energetic transfer. It will be mostly silent, I will be talking to you from time to time, asking questions, providing feedback, making notes, and sending healing directly into areas that require healing.

I will also let you know if I sense any entities in your presence, both positive and negative, and any past-life glimpses. Please share with me everything you are feeling, seeing, thinking as I will be able to interpret. I will NOT pick up everything in one session, as many things get revealed to me over time.

What Will I Feel During a Session …

At times you will feel sensations of warmth, tingling, vibrations, fluttering, floating and extreme relaxation, as if you are being ‘worked upon’ from above. This will be felt in many areas of your body, including your chakra. You may also have visions of white light, and see entities, spirits, friends, and family, including those that have passed.

If you are receptive to the healing, you will get lost during the session into a new world. Also, if you fall asleep it’s 100% OK, and many find the healing is much deeper. In fact, many clients request I send dedicated healings whilst they are napping / sleeping, as they are most relaxed.

What if I Don’t Feel Anything During a Session …

Don’t worry! It’s not a competition, and everyone is different, there is no need to feel anything, as healing isn’t limited to time and space, and goes on longer after a sessions.

The most important factor, is that I’m feeling everything in a session,  I’m completely open and relaxed and my only focus is tuning into your energy.

It’s extremely rare that you will experience nothing. If this is the case, then you will most likely be:

1. Distracted or preoccupied, thus even being still for a few minutes and focusing on your body / breathing / thoughts is difficult.

2. You have been to many healers, and have had negative experiences, thus feel you are up for one more, so from the outset feel: “this will be a waste of time!” If that’s the case, all I can say is I’m not the healer for you!

3. Another reason is ‘expectation’ during the session. You will be in a state of waiting, waiting, waiting for a peak experience of magic, bliss. However, as you logically know, this never happens, so focus more on being calm, relaxing, opening up, and don’t give up. The calmness will come.

Like with anything, patience is required, and I have found those who are self-aware, more spiritually open/evolved, feel everything.

What Will I Feel After a Session …

After the session, the healing continues, so you may feel some oddness/discomfort. After all, a significant healing has taken place; it’s a surgery, just a psychic, energetic one.

The healing sessions are a major detox and a renewal of sorts. It’s very common to report lethargy, frequent urination, increased bodily pain/symptoms in already problematic areas, and strange dreams—these are the most common, so please do message me over the next few days with your notes – these are all part of the healing, nothing to worry about.

Once these pass, you will feel increased energy, optimism, and an enhanced outlook on life, as the healing journey continues. It’s difficult to predict what will happen after a session, you are unravelling decades, and even past lives, spirits, entities that’s why a commitment to healing is required …