An earthbound spirit is typically the soul of a deceased person who has not moved onto the afterlife or whatever spiritual realm awaits after death. This happens for various reasons: perhaps due to unfinished business, sudden or traumatic death, fear of judgment, or attachment to their former life. Such entities mostly create unexplained havoc / nuisance in one’s life (and we are left wondering the reason) and are generally the most common, in fact, it’s very rare that one has not attached to you at some point:

  • Example: A child who passed away suddenly due to illness stays attached to a house / school / familiar place they frequented because they don’t realise they’ve died. The child spirit continues to ‘roam’ that space, causing havoc – it may not be harmful per se, it’s just simply confused or lonely, and may attach itself to you, and take you for a ‘joyride’ so to speak

An evil spirit is a malevolent human spirit or other supernatural entity that intends to harm or cause fear. Unlike earthbound spirits, these entities may have harmful intentions toward the living, seeking revenge or feeding off negative emotions like fear, anger, or sorrow:

  • Example: An individual who was abusive or cruel in life might, after death, become an evil spirit. If they attach to someone, they may try to drain that person’s energy, causing emotional turmoil, accidents, or bad luck. For example, a spirit who harboured intense hatred might manifest by causing a series of unfortunate events in someone’s life, amplifying their pain or fear

A demonic entity is typically viewed as powerful, manipulative, and driven by a desire to corrupt, control, or destroy. Unlike earthbound spirits, demons are not tied to human life and often have a dark purpose, such as influencing human behaviour toward harm or destruction:

  • Example: A person who suddenly starts experiencing severe personality changes, leading to violent outbursts, self-harm. Such entities can manifest via addictions i.e the dead spirit of a drug addict may experience a drug addiction through a living person that is find themselves using drug even though they are public stated they’d never do such a thing