

What is Psychic Healing and How Does it Work?2024-05-08T01:16:19+00:00

My process is unique, using your photograph I’m able to read and tune into your energy, and receive instructions from my spiritual guides on areas of your body that require healing, following which the actual healing is energetically transmitted to these areas.

I was given this gift from the universe, I cannot explain it logically, nor did I specifically ask for it … all I know is that hundreds of clients have reported benefits. I also have intense daily practices and rituals I follow to have the necessary readiness to tune into your energy, which has help me sharpen my abilities over the last decade.

This is all done energetically, which means I do not need to be physically present, and can tune-into someone’s energy psychically, using a photograph.

Is Psychic Healing Safe? Can it Be Used Alongside Regular Treatments?2024-04-25T23:47:24+00:00

Psychic healing is considered a complementary therapy, meaning it can be used alongside conventional medical treatments.

It is NOT a substitute for medical care, and it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

It is non-invasive and has no side effects or contraindications.

What Can I Expect During a Session?2024-04-25T23:47:15+00:00

For all healing sessions, you will be required to find a comfortable place at home to lie down or be seated, somewhere you will not be disturbed, the more relaxed you are better.

Most sessions last an hour, sometimes I will go over if I’m being guided to continue.

Prior to the session, I will request photographs of your face / body to channel your energy field, and spend some time taking notes and invoking any energies / spirit guides.

During the session, I will be talking to you from time-to-time, asking questions, providing feedback and making notes.

You will feel sensations of warmth, tingling, relaxation, during and after a session.

What Conditions Can Psychic Healing Help Treat?2024-04-25T23:47:06+00:00

Psychic healing focuses on blockages that can affect our entire state of wellbeing, leading to not only mental stress but also physical pain and long-term illnesses. The sessions will promote relaxation, stress reduction, and encourage the self-healing process.

Some of the potential benefits include pain relief, improved sleep, enhanced immune function, and emotional balance.

Whilst I cannot guarantee any specific illnesses with disappear under this process, I have seen it occur on countless occasions.

And I have no doubt energy healing can help alleviate symptoms and support recovery for conditions like anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and fatigue.

Are All Session Remote? Can I Visit You in Person?2024-04-25T23:46:55+00:00

All session are remote via phone or Zoom, I work with clients across the world, as tuning into psychic energy transcends time and space, and physical presence is not required.

Further you will feel much more comfortable receiving the healing in your own private space, than navigating traffic, parking etc.

How Many Sessions are Required?2024-05-07T08:46:36+00:00

You will see benefits even after a single session, just remember healing is a process that will take its own time, and is dependant on a number of factors, as each of us carried various unseen blockages in our bodies, and beyond.

It’s up to you how you wish to proceed, you may wish to move on after a single session, or if you are like most of my clients you will continue the sessions for months, and integrate self-healing techniques into your daily life (which I will share throughout the process).