
FAQs & Fees

What is Psychic Healing & How Does it Work?2024-05-15T07:20:07+00:00

I’m a psychic healer, the psychic element is that I have a gift of being able perceive your bodily and emotional energy which is imperceptible to the five senses, and even outside our awareness. I can also sense negative spirits and entities, and even glimpses of past lives, that are adversely impacting your current life. I’m also clairsentient, which mean I also often feel the pain / emotions you are feeling in my own body.

My process is unique. You do not need to be physically present for this process to work. By using a full-body photograph I’m able to read and tune into your energy, and receive instructions from my spirit guides on areas of your body, emotional mind, that require healing.

The healing element is next, I am able to energetically transmit healing to bodily areas, and if required also dismantle negative entity attachments. I can see internal body parts renewing, refreshing, and psychic surgeries as I like to call them, occurring in real-time. When the body heals, or negative spirits exist our space, or when we overcome past-live shackles, then many of the emotional burdens we are carrying in this lifetime disappear, like magic. You become a new person, it’s a genetic modification of sorts …

However, healing is a process, and ongoing one, and having one or two sessions, wont make a real dent, that’s why I will work with you on an ongoing basis, continue sending healing into all areas of you life, and most importantly empower you with self-healing practices you can integrate into your daily life, so you are not dependant on me, and can share you own form of healing with those all around.

I was given this gift from the universe, I did not do courses to learn anything, and I cannot explain it logically … all I know is that hundreds of clients have reported benefits. I also have intense daily practices and rituals I follow to have the necessary readiness to tune into your energy, which has helped me sharpen my abilities over the last decade …

Can You Remove Negative Spirits & Entities?2024-05-15T02:49:24+00:00

Yes. This is a 3-step process …

1. As a psychic healer, I can sense entities and attachments (even past lives) by looking at photo during a deep meditation, that is the psychic element

2. The healing element is where I can direct energies (using my psychic guides) into those entities / attachments, gauge their intensity, and then work on understanding their nature …. Then I move towards dismantling and dispelling them, in some instances I have to warn them, and even confront them myself …

I’m OK with this, as I have the full protection / guidance from  my guid, and I also perform intense practices and rituals several times a week, so I to remain protected.

3. The real work then begins, to protect you (and those around you) so these entities do not return, and even if you do, you have the capacity to withstand, and overcome them. Most healers don’t focus on this stage, they just want someone to rid the entity, so they outsource the process to someone else. This is the wrong approach.

Why? The entities have come for a reason, right? Perhaps there was something missing in your own life, that made you susceptible, thus you may require some healing to overcome blockages. Everyone is on a different journey, that’s why until I do the readings, and start the healing, I don’t know what to expect, nor do I know what is required in terms of healing.

Also, the healing is holistic, many people come with issues with entities, but also heal physical and emotional impairments, you really never know what to expect …

Is Psychic Healing Safe? Can it Be Used Alongside Regular Treatments?2024-05-14T23:22:56+00:00

Psychic healing is considered a complementary therapy, meaning it can be used alongside conventional medical treatments. It is non-invasive and has no side effects or contraindications.

It is NOT a substitute for medical care, and it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for any medical concerns.

What Can I Expect During a Session?2024-05-14T23:35:13+00:00

For all healing sessions, you will be required to find a comfortable place at home to lie down or be seated, somewhere you will not be disturbed, the more relaxed you are better.

Most sessions last an hour, sometimes I will go over if I’m being guided to continue.

Prior to the session, I will request photographs of your face / body to channel your energy field, and spend some time taking notes and invoking any energies / spirit guides.

During the session, I will be talking to you from time-to-time, asking questions, providing feedback and making notes and sending healing directly into areas that require healing. I will also let you know if I sense any entities in your presence, both positive and negative.

At times you will,  feel sensations of warmth, tingling, extreme relaxation, during the session, as if you are being ‘worked upon’ from above. After the session the healing continues, so you may feel some oddness / discomfort, after all a significant healing has taken place, many also report deep sleep and revealing dreams.

It’s difficult to predict what will happen after a session, that’s why I only work with clients that are committed to healing long-term, it’s unlikely you will receive optimum benefits with only a few sessions, there is no such thing as a 60-minute miracle, you are unravelling decades, and even past-lives, that’s why a commitment is required.

What Conditions Can Psychic Healing Help Treat?2024-05-14T23:24:20+00:00

I’ve worked with clients on a range of conditions, the list is very long, just this month I’ve had clients with: severe back pain, knee and shoulder pain, UTI infections, gluten intolerances, undiagnosed menstrual issues, severe depression and loneliness, entity attachments, ulcers, cysts, hernias and at least a dozen more …

An area I also specialise in is entity / spirit clearing, which is more common than most people believe, as unseen energies lurk all around us …

I cannot guarantee any outcome, as it’s not up to me, all I know is that during all sessions I lose myself, surrender to my guides, and more often than not, magic happens … I have seen it occur on countless occasions …

Are All Session Remote? Can I Visit You in Person?2024-05-16T22:34:01+00:00

Though I live in Bayside Melbourne, for a long time have only been conducting sessions are remote via phone, I work with clients across the world, as tuning into psychic energy transcends time and space, thus physical presence is not required. You just need to find a comfortable, quiet place anywhere, for a session to begin …

Professional Fees

If you are intrigued, curious or drawn to psychic healing, and would like to experience it, I offer a free session (all my services are remote) which can be booked online. I do this in good faith, so nobody feels restricted from experiencing even a short taste of what I’m offering …

How many sessions are required?

Healing is a process that takes time, and is dependant on a number of factors, as each of us carries various unseen blockages in our bodies, our past-lives and for some various spirit attachments also come into play. After the trial season it’s up to you how you wish to proceed, you may wish to move on, and that’s totally fine. Generally people move on because they are expecting a miracle in one session, not realising that healing is a journey …

Though I offer single / one-off sessions, I majority of my clients are seeking to integrate healing into their daily life, and that is truly the purpose of my work. If that sounds like you, I will create a personalised program / course where not only will I perform healings each session, but guide you with everyday techniques that you can integrate into your daily life. Expect a minimum commitment 8 to 12 weeks, or more, with sessions weekly or bi-weekly, during this time you will also get access to me for complete guidance …


Initial Discussion
15 Mins

Find Out How Healing Can Help You …


75 Minutes

Accelerated Healing Programs over 8 to 12 Weeks

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